Ann Arbor's
A Very Running Group
BDTC is just some local idiots (scientists, artists, hippies, librarians, business owners, HR stooges, drunks) who get together on Thursday evenings to run (mostly) interval workouts, typically at Ferry Field. If it's very hot or very cold we sometimes run elsewhere. Sometimes we run hills. Afterwards, we drink beers. Learn More...
If you're an Ann Arbor local idiot and would like to join us, all you have to do is show up! We send out the details for each week's workout to our Google Group email list, but we also try to post on Strava and our Google Calendar.

"Run Fast, turn left, REPEAT."
We're (probably!) more than mindless automatons cursed to repeat left turns... We might even be real people! ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ Get to know us!
- Track Meat! What's an autocannibalising turtle burger, and does it wait 1/2 an hour before swimming?
- Visit our Wall of Shame — It's not as kinky as it sounds?
- Learn math! Follow us on the 'Gram to learn how #SecretSauce + #FogJuice = precious #VibeRehab for your #CoolRunnings!
Bad Decisions Track Club was founded in December of 2016 by two idiots named Walsh and Alex and a few of their idiot friends. These folks were already members of another running/social club called the Hash House Harriers, where "hares" lay elaborate trails for the "pack" to follow, like a sort of running scavenger hunt for beer... But this involves a lot of false trails, dead ends, check backs, and other tricky things that are just plain confusing for idiots like Alex and Walsh, so they started their own group where all you do is run in circles. So many circles. Laps and laps and laps of circles. Or whatever hecking shape a track is. In short: Repetitive. Predictable. Idiot-proof.
Since 2016 we've run in thousands of circles, turned hundreds of heads with our snazzy pink & purple livery, and made dozens of new friends — all in the name of running (and sometimes walking!) for fun.
Strictly speaking, we don't really know what we're doing... But we're doing it every damn hell ass Thursday—moving our bodies and keeping our legs honest and soothing the pain of BAD decisions with GOOD company. (And beer!)